Does anyone else remember those Christian propaganda films from the late 1990s and early 2000s that usually focused on the Rapture and the apocalypse and tribulation that followed for all of the unbelievers?

Yeah, what a wild time that was. I used to love those: Left Behind, Apocalypse, The Omega Code, and all of their sequels, because at the time I was a fundamentalist Christian who believed every word of what I believed was absolutely going to happen.

Anyway, one of the things that struck me about them, today, out of nowhere, in the shower, with the soap in my eyes, was that the post-Rapture government would obviously start cracking down on the rise of new Christians, calling them “haters” and so forth, torturing them, oppressing them, dismissing their pleas for compassion. You really felt for those new Christians trying to bring love and light to a darkening world, I mean, you know, in theory.

A small wooden cross sits on top of an open Bible.
Angry, Vengeful love.

Well, those movies never took MAGA into account, now did they? For those of you outside the US and who have blessedly eschewed all access to the internet and television for the past 9 years, MAGA stands for “Make America Great Again,” and is the siren call of the Donald Trump presidency.

For the worst of all possible reasons, power, Trump is seen as an almost Christlike figure, and is venerated by millions of US Christians as some kind of vessel of God’s wrath against the gays, the Mexicans, and those goddamned transes who want to force kids to wear drag and shit in a litter box.

I was thinking about that today, and how it turns out MAGA would have been the people oppressing those new Christians in the apocalypse films, assuming of course those Christian writers, directors, and producers weren’t also MAGA, which many of them are, because cults gonna cult.

Think about it! Christians who don’t toe the line of their MAGA counterparts are seen as soft, weak, deserving of what happens to them, whatever that may be, to the point where even Jesus Christ Himself is seen as too weak to be an effective leader.

Now how fucking gone are you as a Christian when you see Christ as just not God material for your Christian faith?

Yeah, we are stepping into new territory here, because these people are vying for control of the United States government and, if you’ve followed my opinions on most Democrats, you know that most Democrats will let them and continue to attempt to appeal to them.

What I’m saying is that if all we have are Democratic politicians to protect us from the coming MAGA influx, we are more than absolutely fucked, because so many Democrats are too willing and too eager to compromise in order to preserve law and order, which as I’ve mentioned before is rooted in white supremacist ideology.

Remember, the white moderate is more interested in a negative peace than in justice. They’re more likely to support an oppression that preserves the law and gives them the appearance of “normalcy” than actually addressing the needs of the oppressed in any material way.

Early Christianity was all about justice, mercy, compassion, sharing the resources with the community. The early Christians were more socialists than anything, because they understood that human beings are stronger, more stable, more capable of addressing each other’s needs when they work together, when they form strong bonds with one another.

The worst thing that ever happened to Christianity was its marriage with the State, and we’ve seen the outcomes of each new marriage century after century, filled with violence, bloodshed, oppression, destruction, all while chanting the venerated name of Jesus in the process.

Well, now they don’t need Jesus, they have Donald J. Trump to lead them to the greater power and influence they want, and they’ll step over anyone, Christian and non-Christian alike, to get that power. They truly have become the oppressive post-Apocalyptic, “Satanic” government they warned everyone about in those silly little movies from a quarter of a century ago.


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