Under Whose Eye

Under Whose Eye

If you’re a Christian evangelical, and you’re reading this, let me explain something very important: You may be a very devout follower of God, you love Him, you want to serve Him, and you want others to be saved so they can join Him at the throne when they die. A government is not a god, it is not God, but if you mix God and government, you’re going to find the government having more sway over your life than…

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Joe Biden Isn’t Going To Save Us

Joe Biden Isn’t Going To Save Us

Someone recently asked who they were going to vote for as a disabled person, because Donald Trump is awful, and Joe Biden seems bad, but they believed Biden might prevent Project 2025 from happening. This was my response to them. Joe Biden isn’t going to save us. The system is designed this way, and has always been this way. It is only recently that the transparency has begun to show through where you can see the strings being pulled directly….

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Fuck Mark Zuckerberg

Fuck Mark Zuckerberg

This also applies to Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and every other money hoarding, egotistical, narcissistic, self-indulgent, silver spoon wedged firmly up their ass since birth, sociopathic, maniacal asshole. If there were any justice in the world, you’d be dragged out into the street for a public trial, and found guilty of being an oily stain on the face of humanity who has dragged billions of people through rivers of blood to build your fortunes. Your wealth…

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This is a pro Communism blog. I am left wing, which means I am in league with Democratic Socialists, Anarchists, and Communists of just about every flavor and type. I do not seek a liberal solution because from my position liberalism is chained to capitalism, works in it, is a part of it, hence why the United States is a duopoly because liberalism and conservatism both work in the framework of capitalist exploitation. That’s right, when a communist tells you…

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I wanted to make this post before the end of this month, because it is, in fact, Pride month. For those who have no idea, Pride month occurs in June, and is to celebrate awareness of the LGBTQ+ community. What does that mean for most people? Well, things get a little more colorful, maybe a little more bombastic, some people will use it as a reason to take part in all of those wonderful little social lubricants we all enjoy…

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Hello and Welcome

Hello and Welcome

This is StarLeaf, a blog where I will discuss whatever is on my mind because, far too often, social media sites tend to stifle what I want to say. What is it I want to say? Lots of things. Most of all, I don’t want my words, my thoughts and feelings, to be someone else’s income. That bothers me. If things like that bother you, maybe we’ll get along and you’ll like what I say. Then again, you may read…

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