When I first started up my little blog, I was inundated with options to add SEO rankings, cookies, site traffic analytics, marketing keywords, anything and everything to draw people to this site and take advantage of their eyeballs.

I rejected all of them. I do believe there is a site cookie if you decide to login and make a comment. Otherwise, I don’t employ any of those tracking systems and for several reasons:

  1. I am a firm proponent of privacy. I believe you have a right to think and feel whatever you want as long as you’re not intentionally or maliciously harming another person.
  2. I’m a communist, so I’m against the capitalist desire to monetize every single aspect of human nature in order to siphon one more dollar out of people’s pockets and into my own.
  3. I just find it gross.
a sign with an arrow pointing left that says marketing.
Just nasty.

So what am I here to do? Mostly, I’m just here to get things off of my chest. I try to pretty them up with a nice theme, pictures, and such, to make it more pleasant. I have categories and tags to make it easier for people to look up my posts if they’re curious about my opinion on a subject.

Some of you might feel I’m here to sell you communism, and honestly, I’m not, not on purpose. I would LOVE it if you were communists or socialists, or anything like that and against capitalism, because I believe capitalism is going to be the death knell of humanity, and maybe even the entire Earth if it’s not curtailed and stopped.

I won’t force you, though, and I won’t pretend I’m not being anything other than myself. So if it seems like I’m selling you on it, I’m not. Most likely, I’m just being who I am, and laying out my reasons why I’m for or against something. You don’t have to pick up what I set down. There is NO PRESSURE from me. If you’re a conservative reading my blog, I do hope you get some kind of enjoyment out of it.

If you’re a liberal wondering how far left you can go, feel free to keep reading and ask yourself questions. Test your limits. All I ask is that you give me the space that lets me vent, lets me share, lets me speak up, because so many social media sites are making it much harder for me to just say what I want to say, because it goes against the sensibilities of billionaires who don’t like the idea they can’t control every aspect of a human being.

I have a right to speak. You have a right to ignore me. So just setting those parameters out there for all to see. I’m not a fan of what is called “lawyerballing,” where people scrutinize a simple statement finding as many flaws as they can beyond the speaker’s intentions. I saw too much of that at a forum I was on for years, and I still despise it. It serves no purpose except to all disingenuous behavior, and I want no part of it.

So I’m not here to sell you anything, I just want to share, freely, how I feel, what I think, just like most people. Don’t let some people fool you, we all want to be loved, admired, respected, and sharing stories is how we do that. There’s nothing selfish about wanting to be a part of the conversation, about wanting to contribute something to culture, to the world at large.

I am not for sale, and neither are you.


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