If you’re a Christian evangelical, and you’re reading this, let me explain something very important:

You may be a very devout follower of God, you love Him, you want to serve Him, and you want others to be saved so they can join Him at the throne when they die.

Moses holding the stone tablets depicting the ten commandments.
Ten Suggestions, Some Repetitive, For You To Obey. Nothing About Slaves, Though. Curious.

A government is not a god, it is not God, but if you mix God and government, you’re going to find the government having more sway over your life than God, because the government is made of fallible humans, just like you, and while God sees the sins you commit and forgives you, a government with the power of God won’t be the same way.

Just think of the worst sins you’ve committed, that only God knows about, and now think about what a government speaking in His name can and will do with that information.

God is all seeing and keeps your secrets and forgives the mistakes you’ve made.

A government with the mindset of being God on earth will not share that mercy or compassion, I promise you. You think you want it but you don’t, and once it has formed, you’ll have sealed your own coffin.


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