Fuck Mark Zuckerberg

This also applies to Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and every other money hoarding, egotistical, narcissistic, self-indulgent, silver spoon wedged firmly up their ass since birth, sociopathic, maniacal asshole.

If there were any justice in the world, you’d be dragged out into the street for a public trial, and found guilty of being an oily stain on the face of humanity who has dragged billions of people through rivers of blood to build your fortunes. Your wealth would be divided up and disseminated to the exploited, the colonized, the abused, the long suffering, and the oppressed.

Now, in a perfect world, I’d say you’d then be thrown off the side of a cliff, but I’m a believer in restorative justice, so instead of committing an act to which lets you get off scot-free, I’d much rather have you placed in a billionaire re-education camp, and then placed on the streets as a service worker.

China did this with former Emperor Puyi (who abdicated in 1912 and tried to continue getting the throne back despite being repeatedly slapped down for it), and was re-educated after Mao’s revolution (which is a way of saying he was shown what he and his predecessors had done to China’s people and taught why that was wrong and I know I’m seriously simplifying it here), and given a job as a street sweeper.

In Puyi’s case, as he worked his job and met with the people he once lorded over, he found that he loved what China was becoming, and regretted his former reign, vowing to serve China’s people to the end in whatever capacity he could. It really is a good ending for those in power who exploit others every day, and here it worked.

Whether it works or not for our billionaire overlords would remain to be seen, but I would be in favor of the effort being made, because I truly abhor violence except when absolutely necessary, and while I’ll often joke about billionaires “getting in the sub” (a reference to the OceanGate incident), I would much rather their wealth be confiscated and them being retrained to understand why what they were doing was vile and wrong, and how they can be better people.

Capitalism is a dead end. It leads only to death and destruction, whether it’s of people, of resources, of an entire planet. It is the ideology of a cancer cell, this need for continuous growth at the expense of, and often in spite of, the host.

If we truly want better, we have to take the wealth and influence of these parasites, and use them to address the material needs of the people, especially the previously exploited and oppressed, who are often forgotten after revolutions and regimes make their great change. We can do better than that, and we do not need these people, they only take they don’t give, and they don’t deserve our lives.


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