Now with 50% more doom!

Since I’ve started this blog, I’ve spoken a lot on things I consider important, things that I feel the need to get off my chest. It doesn’t mean I am always depressed or down in the mouth, but this place is where I come to totally speak my mind without the need to censor words that any social media site might consider objectionable for their advertisers.

I promise, if you are reading these posts, for whatever reason, that there will be positive posts, silly posts, bullshit posts where I just want to rattle off on some new idea I have and feel like sharing with the rest of you, all two both of you.

post apocalyptic cityscape with smoking high rise buildings and the sun setting behind them.
I assume you live here.

It is so difficult to stay ahead of the constant negativity we see in so much of the media, whether it’s mainstream media, social media, or my own little backwater blog out in the middle of nowhere. It’s just wave after wave of fear, uncertainty, and doubt, promises of death and destruction, power grabs by sycophants and dictators, and it gets exhausting.

I’ve even considered doing movie reviews every so often. I love movies. Anyone who knows me knows I am a movie loving fool. Thanks to my precious mom (may she rest in peace), I got to watch all of the greatest movies from the 1930s to today, and I got her insights on what made each one special as she often grew up with those films, so watching a movie and sharing it with friends is a joyful thing for me.

So I do promise that while there will most certainly be frequent negative posts, as someone who wears their heart on their sleeve and can’t look away from the horrors, I will do my best to lift up spirits when and where I can.

You, of course, are free to post in the comments, any time, if you want to ask a question, or recommend something for me to talk about, should you seek my opinion for whatever reason, and I welcome that.

Here’s hoping for more positive posts in the near future, okay?


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