Recently, we witnessed an attempted assassination of former president and current presidential candidate Donald Trump when he was speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania this past weekend.

Immediately, the Biden campaign, and other liberal politicians, denounced the violence, even saying that there was never an excuse for political violence. The Biden campaign then suspended anti-Trump ads and has been almost obsequious in their treatment of Donald Trump.

An image of the bleeding heart plant, a reddish heart shaped plant that gives the appearance of bleeding.
Lamprocapnos Spectabilis, also known as the Bleeding Heart.

Let me explain something: you can feel bad that something almost happened to Trump. That’s perfectly human to see that happen and say to yourself “what a terrible thing to happen,” because it is. You don’t want assassinations to become the mode of power transfer in any country, that’s nothing short of chaos, destroying trust in systems and in the continuance of policy.

That said, let’s not pretend that the reactions by Democrats are reasonable. They’re not. If Donald Trump is the evil dictator the party claims he is, then stepping back and giving him room to take advantage of this recent event is to allow fascism room to breathe and grow.

It’s also rather hilarious this notion that the US government doesn’t support political violence. Look at what we’re doing for Ukraine, what we’re doing for Israel, what we do around the world, things that are well established, like the US involving itself in foreign wars because it benefits from the resource exchange (we sell them bombs, they give us their natural resources against the will of their people).

Watching people like Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and especially numerous Republican politicians, vehemently reject violence as allowable even in times of great upheaval, is like watching Hannibal Lecter extol the virtues of veganism.

It’s okay to have compassion. We should extend compassion as far as we can in terms of giving people the chance to learn and grow, to become better people, as long as they’re not hurting others, but Donald Trump’s whole goal is to hurt others (as is Joe Biden’s but that’s another post for another day).

You say “I’m glad you weren’t really harmed,” and then you follow up with “but you did bring this environment on yourself and help create the chaos that lead to this moment.” You make it a teachable moment, that is if you’re like me and believe in restorative justice.

Otherwise, all you’re doing is enabling fascism to continue. Stop it. Either Donald Trump and the Republican party is a threat to human beings around the country and around the world, or they’re deserving of respect and consideration when their actions lead to consequence. It cannot be both, because if you feel that way, then you don’t have principles at all, you’re just saying what makes you feel good and less guilty, while allowing evil to continue its free movement.

If you do care about what Project 2025 will do, what fascism is destroying, if you care about the future of human beings, not just in the US but around the world, then you have to pick a lane. Let people who dislike you and distrust you believe you’re biased, you SHOULD be when it comes to the actions of fascists. It’s okay to have standards that don’t include the people who want you dead.

Capitulation is not compassion. It is, in fact, cruelty. Don’t engage in it.


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