It’s shit. What’s worse is it’s not even AI. It’s just some asshole tech bro’s idea of what AI would look like if it could be exploited without putting in any effort. Man, I remember back in the 1980s when we dreamed AI would run the planet, and send Terminators to kill us all.

What a sweet, naive dream that was.

An image of the word "AI" in a circuit board surrounded by golden sparkles and blue microchips.
Artificial Idiocy is more like it. Swish!

Instead, AI exists to take the human element: creativity, innovation, imagination, empathy, self-awareness, reason, and have enshittified them into the pablum we’ve got being pushed towards us as the next best thing to sex.

AI is shit. It is shit, and not because I’m jealous, I’m really not. Have you seen the abominable homonculi AI creates without human intervention? It is truly horrifying beyond words except for these words: “ew. ew. ew. ew.”

Just nasty, garbled shit that is being sold as sherbet. What’s even worse than that, if you can believe it, is that AI doesn’t create, it only steals. They call it “generative” AI, but it doesn’t really create anything. All it does is steal from all corners of the internet, from every human thought, emotion, and idea, and slaps it together.

Just because you’ve grabbed pepperoni, cheese, and flour doesn’t mean you’ve created pizza, especially when the pizza’s got 11 fingers, two dicks, and four eyes in places where it shouldn’t have eyes. Everyone knows only Klingons have two dicks!

I despise AI, and I will admit I have used it in the past, in small amounts, but seeing where it is going, learning about the resources it uses up, its contribution to climate change, I simply cannot use it in good faith because I don’t want to contribute to the theft of humanity, either in the creative universe or the real one, and the algorithms that power our so-called AI do exactly that, and I want no part of it.

Every corporation is getting in on the game, too, with their bullshit AI “enhanced” search like on DuckDuckGo, Google, Bing, and even companies like Facebook are desperate to make AI a thing, and you can bet your sweet ass that Mark “I fuck like a mailbox” Zuckerberg is hoovering up your data to make that happen, and selling it back to you because of course he fucking would.

We deserve better than this. AI was supposed to automate our machines, enhance our services, so humans could rest, recreate, open up new horizons and explore the human experience, but of course capitalism can’t NOT exploit people, and so now the machines are drawing and the people are living lives of misery and emptiness.

Fuck AI, and fuck capitalism, too while we’re at it. They’ve all got way too many fingers, and they’re ramming them up our asses.


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