About Me

A picture of yours truly, the author. It's me in a brown t-shirt, wearing a hat that says this mom runs on magic and fairies. Behind me is the image of a sakura tree.
Red Martian, The Author

While the information I give away in my posts should be all you ever really need to know, some of you are the more inquisitive types who can’t leave well enough alone and want the basic information in bite size, easy to read formats. It’s almost like all of you absorb information differently or something. Preposterous!

So, with that in mind, allow myself to tell you a little bit about myself.

I am from and live in the United States.
I’m a Pisces.
My favorite food is nachos (vegetarian style).
One of my favorite songs is “Clubbed to Death” from the original Matrix soundtrack.
I have many favorite movies, of which one is Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.

I don’t really have a religion. I consider myself a deeply spiritual person, but the structured faiths we see in the world don’t really fit me (plus I genuinely do not like someone telling me I have to listen to them to speak to a higher power because it’s awfully goddamned convenient for them), as I find something good in all of them, and honestly just want people to love one another. I will respect your faith until it decides that human beings should lose rights because their god or gods told them it was so.

Politically speaking, I’m a socialist. In the US that makes me a communist. Hell, in the US that makes me a Super Stalin, Eater of Grain With The Giant Spoon of Communism.

I used to think I was a super liberal, but then I realized that liberalism believes in preserving the status quo and reinforcing capitalism, and I’m just not in favor of that at all.

You’ll see me speaking up on LGBTQ+ rights, and while I would do it even if I were straight as an arrow, I am pansexual, and I consider myself non-binary, with a firm preference for femininity. I don’t like masculinity much, mainly the toxic kind, and there’s a lot of that, unfortunately.

So if you ever decide to comment in my feed, I’m fine with he/him/she/her and “occupant.” I’m not going to quibble too much unless I’ve figured you’re being an utter prick for the joy of prickery, at which point I will boot you into the moon.

I don’t debate. I say what I think, and feel you have the choice to either take it or leave it. That doesn’t mean I don’t listen to new information, I do. Every day! However, I feel that debate has its place in better arenas, and that debate on the internet is for people who have time and energy to compare dick sizes while everything around them burns to the ground.

I have no room for debate bros, and if I think you’re being a sealion, I will, and say it with me, boot you into the moon.

I’m also a big fan of science fiction, fantasy, and I enjoy a good story. I’m a brony, too, even though it has been 5 (as of 2024) years since the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic aired its last episode.

That’s another thing. I can be very cynical, angry, frustrated, passionate about the forces that try to harm others, and I have a strong sense of justice (not law and order), but I love sunny, happy, shiny, colorful things. I love rainbows, butterflies, birds, flowers, little meeses and lady bugs.

I believe life is a gift, a wonderful experience we get to share with one another if only we’ll slow down and really look and listen to each other. We’re not always going to agree, okay? Just because I don’t agree with you doesn’t mean I don’t love you! I just don’t want to be on the opposite side of where you are when it comes to human rights, animal rights, environmental justice, and such.

We live in a political, social, changing world. If you can’t see that, then we will definitely clash, though as I said before, you can take what I say or leave it, but this is my domain. This is where I get to speak as freely as I want, and I don’t have to listen to ripostes and rebuttals. I believe everyone should have such a space of their own.

So, I hope that gives you an idea of what to expect here. If you want to stick around and read what I have to say, you are more than welcome, and if you don’t, you are also more than welcome.


Oh, and “Red” is obviously not my real name, but it’s short for Red Martian, a pseudonym I use online because I like the color red, I’m a socialist, and Mars is my favorite planet.